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The UGC University library is where you will learn techniques in how to build self esteem, self awareness, femininity, how to move past shame and guilt for wanting your needs and desires to actualized.

You will learn dark psychology and how manipulation really work so that you can spot it when it's being done to you or use when its necessary to get what you want..

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What The lessons
Will Offer


Increased Self Confidence

You won't ever again be intimidated demanding, self-centered people because you'll learn how to find your center to remain grounded and poised at all times..


How To Sell Yourself

Nothing falls in anyone's lap! Manipulators will have you thinking that they did not need to train in negotiations or pitching their worth. This is a lie! You will learn how to promote yourself for personal as well as professional gain..


Ongoing Support

Questions about what you are learning or suggestion on future lessons are accepted from active students..


Dark Psychological Tactics

There's no denying that knowledge is power, and the more you learn how vagile the human ego is, the less you'll take personally when people attempt to bring you down. You will learn how to disarm your critics and level the playing field to your advantage!


Sexual Energy Harvesting

The proper way to increasing sexual energy to become more attractive must be practiced because you've been traumatized by your upbringing and your past sexual experiences. You will learn simple techniques to rebalancing hormones, becoming easily turned on, becoming more orgasmic, and eliminating penis envy!


Course PDf Dowloads

Get the accompanying pdf for instant download and review at your leisure..

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